
Homehold Medical 



It has the characteristics of high contrast and high brightness, which can support (semi) customization,

Product Range

Monochrome TN/ PMVA can meet the requirements of low -power consumption of customers,

TFT: Covering 1.77 inches/ 2. 4 inches/ 2.8 -inch/ 3.5 inches/ 5 inches/ 7 inches/ 10. 1 inch and other sizes; GTP: G+G/ G+F; "" "" ""

RTP: four -line, eight -line type;

Main application

Blood pressure meter, blood glucose meter, body temperature meter, calling machine, oxygen making machine, according to library chairs and other applications.

Blood pressure meter, blood glucose meter, body temperature meter, calling machine, oxygen making machine, according to library chairs and other applications.

嘉兴市| 温宿县| 沛县| 滦南县| 固镇县| 焦作市| 白河县| 西藏| 宽城| 宽城| 湛江市| 焦作市| 济南市| 金华市| 华池县| 扶绥县| 奈曼旗| 富顺县| 遵化市| 沙洋县| 双辽市| 德庆县| 察哈| 三河市| 阳朔县| 秀山| 瑞昌市| 江津市| 景泰县| 休宁县| 安国市| 娱乐| 上虞市| 绥中县| 宁津县| 上蔡县| 泰州市| 龙江县| 桦南县| 乐清市| 阿瓦提县|